Parcel Public API | Usage

You are probably looking at this because you have no idea how to use the Parcel API. To use this API, you must own Parcel Pro. You can purchase Parcel Pro via the hub.

Parcel API:
Content-Type: application/json

Whitelist Endpoints

POST /whitelist/add

local productid = tostring("PRODUCT ID HERE")
local userid = tostring(player.UserId) -- Roblox UserId of player

local res = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	  Url = '',
	  Method = "POST",
	  Headers = {
            ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
			['hub-secret-key'] = HUB SECRET KEY HERE,
      Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({productID = productid, robloxID = userid})

POST /whitelist/remove

local productid = tostring("PRODUCT ID HERE")
local userid = tostring(player.UserId) -- Roblox UserId of player

local res = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	  Url = '',
	  Method = "POST",
	  Headers = {
            ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
			['hub-secret-key'] = HUB SECRET KEY HERE,
      Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({productID = productid, robloxID = userid})

POST /whitelist/check

local productid = tostring("PRODUCT ID HERE")
local userid = tostring(player.UserId) -- Roblox UserId of player

local res = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	  Url = '',
	  Method = "POST",
	  Headers = {
            ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
			['hub-secret-key'] = HUB SECRET KEY HERE,
      Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({productID = productid, robloxID = userid})
local decodebody = HttpService:JSONDecode(res.Body)
		if == true then
        -- Something here
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