Free Products System | Custom Hub | v2.1

Roblox has recently restricted the option to set the price of developer products to zero. In response, I’ve dedicated time to creating a customized hub that not only addresses this limitation but also integrates seamlessly with the Gift System.

Free Products System

The installation process is incredibly straightforward, making it a user-friendly solution.

  • Need support? Ping gandhi20 in the Parcel server! (#general)

How to setup:

  1. Change the ID to 15857917900, this will fetch the forked Module.

  2. Make a ModuleScript called FreeProducts in ReplicatedStorage!

  3. Put this code inside the ModuleScript!

local productIds = {
	-- ...

function isFree(productId: string)
	for i, id in ipairs(productIds) do
		if id == productId then
			return true
	return false

return {
	isFree = isFree
  1. Put the Product Ids of the products that you want to be FREE in the ModuleScript!

  2. That’s all, thank you for using the system!


Does this work with the latest Parcel version?



Will this make all the products free

(I don’t know how to script)

No, only the ones you decide to.

That’s really cool, thanks for providing that.

Hey! I have a custom hub. How would I integrate this with the custom hub option. As it’s not automatically updated nor does it use the require. It’s completely local. Much appreciated!